This session is an important first step in your healing journey. It most powerfully aligns you with your true self, helping you more clearly know yourself and really begin to heal.

It's something that you only need to do once in your life, but it can be done more often if desired.

The session will last about 1.5 hours and includes a calming energetic balancing.

$250 per session

For additional support add a Cord Cutting to free you of past energetic ties that may be holding you back.

from a client:

  • ★★★★★

    "One Friday I woke up, physically exhausted, dragging myself to work, almost turning back home to call in sick. I took an anti inflammatory pill and pushed through.

    This has been happening in the last couple of weeks, barely making it to the weekend where my body feels much older than it should. That evening I received a life activation session from Jenna. My feet and legs felt light and I felt a peace inside of me I have been craving for quite some time. Wonderful ideas have been flowing with crystal clarity since then, my legs and face have been radiating heat for the last two days and I can’t wait to get back to work on Monday, what a shift in energy!

    I don’t know what really happened and I can’t really explain it, but would definitely recommend it to anyone interested in flipping the switch back on!!"

  • - Steven, IT Technician, Underwood, WA